Sunday, November 6, 2011

This hiatus wasn't my fault...

So remember my last post with those scary looking pictures? Yes, well it was scarier than we ever anticipated!!

While we only got about 6-7 inches of snow (totals were VERY different from town to town), we lost power- for 7 days!!! Some towns are still without power as I type this. Mr. D and I luckily had power restored Friday morning while we were at work. I really hope we never have an outage that bad again! Our saving graces were that we still had running water (albeit cold), and we could light our gas stove with a match to boil water. All our food went bad in the fridge/freezer, however we were able to save the chest freezer and it's contents.

I do have to say one thing, though- it was kind of nice to not have technology interfering. No computers, no internet, no phones ringing, no TV. We fought less this past week and I truly believe it was because we didn't have distractions of electricity. Now, this isn't saying I want to call the power company and cancel my line!!! However, we have vowed to use technology a little less around here.

Now I am off to the grocery store to restock- this should be fun...