Sunday, June 27, 2010

Getting to Know You Sunday

Getting to know YOU

This is something I haven't done before, but I figured 'why not give it a shot?'

1.If you had 5000.00 to spend on plastic surgery what would you have done?

I would probably get bigger boobs. I would love to fit better into deep neck shirts and dresses. Although mine are Hubbs approved haha
2. Do you watch Soap operas and if so what is your favorite and why?
I do not. I'm never home during the day, and I have no interest in them whatsoever anyway!

3. Favorite clothing brand?
I don't have a favorite brand, but I do have favorite stores- Ann Taylor Loft, Express, AE.
4. An afternoon shopping spree at your favorite store or maid service for a year?
Probably maid service for a year, just so I wouldn't have to listen to Hubbs complain that he does more of the housework than I do!

5. Would you ever vajazzle?
I will shamelessly admit I had to google this...and no, no I wouldn't.

6. Favorite Disney Princess?
Umm...I haven't seen a Disney movie in forever...Cinderella.

7. Last movie that made you bawl your eyes out?
Our wedding video, if that counts!!! I haven't watched many movies lately, and what I have watched have been comedies.

8. Have you ever broken any bones and if so what?
I broke a toe in dance class doing a grand jete. I continued to dance on it for about 3 more hours after wasn't pretty at the end of the night.


Heather said...

I am thinking if I picked the shopping spree and looked really hot my husband wouldn't notice he was all doing all the chores.

It could work, right?

Kisma said...

I came across your blog with GTKY

I had to look up Vajazzel after reading your post... I already said I wouldn't but curiosity got the better of me.

Happy Monday and best wishes on your doctorate.