Thursday, April 8, 2010


I came home very annoyed today and it's been bothering me ever since.

-People who are not prepared for something, even though you talked about it the day before and confirmed with each other that you would both be ready.

-Every time I open the mailbox and only see 2 or 3 RSVP envelopes I get really heated. The RSVP date is MONDAY people...why is it I still have not heard from 95 of you?! And let me ask an even better question- why has almost none of my family responded yet? And I can't even assume they are all coming...because of personal issues going on right now, some of them may say no.

At this point I am trying to get excited about the wedding, but I am just getting annoyed with people instead. And stressed about the final set of invites that need to be sent out. It will all get done....but I may have some gray hair at the end of all of this!


Keli said...

Just enjoy your day. Their loss if they don't make it. Tons of people do not RSVP anyways!

Unknown said...

Don't worry too much! My mom went through the saaaaame stress about the same stuff lol it happens every time. Just relax and enjoy your day =]