Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's Sunday, again!

1. What kind of athlete has the hottest body?
Swimmers...tall, thin, and muscular!

2. Are you a planner or a procrastinator?
Ok so here's the thing...I love to plan- make lists, divy things up. BUT I procrastinate on everything!!!!! My procratination actually makes me more efficient- if I have less time to do something, I do it well.

 3. Diet or regular (soda)?
I try not to drink soda, but I'm not picky if I do. If I am having a mixed drink, I usually go for diet.

4. What's your one "must have" for Fall?
Chunky sweaters that can serve as a coat! I want to lose some weight and change my style, but for now I will stick with what I know. Oh, and long sweaters over leggings!

5. What's your favorite fast food restaurant?
Wendy's is the only one that doesn't make me sick, and I actually like the taste of the food. Give me a small chili, a junior bacon cheeseburger, and a small fry and I will be happy!

Our state recently got it's first Sonic, but I haven't tried it yet, it's over an hour from my house. I so want to try one of everything on the menu!!

6. What do you think is the sexiest profession for a guy?
I think Hubbs is a pretty sexy software developer ;-)

7. Did you wear braces?
I did for 3 years. They figured out, however, that my jaw was continuing to grow and it wasn't really my teeth after the last year was a waste.

8. Would you rather have a guy that's super sexy or kind?
Kind. Who wants to deal with a super sexy, arrogant jackass who isn't nice?!

**Oh and...Our wedding pictures got posted!!! I will not post the link here because some of the pictures have personal info in them, but I will be posting some of my favorites throughout the week, so follow me and stay tuned!!


Alise said...

1. I totally agree on the whole swimmer thing! DH and I met while swimming!

2. Did you go to SCSU for undergrad? did you swim for them?

I swear, you look familiar from somewhere before the knot...and once you said the swimming thing it got me thinking...

Melissa said...

Hey Alise!!

Nope, no SCSU for me. I did all 6 years of college in the Hartford.

Maybe we knew each other in a past life? haha

Alise said...

haha quite possibly..