Friday, March 19, 2010

Longest week...

One of my patients fell today, and even though it wasn't my fault and there was really nothing I could have done to prevent it, I still feel so so so bad. Man, I moved so fast to try and catch them that they landed on my foot- but there was nothing I could do. They are OK, even called the clinic to let us know. But still- holy...C..O..W...I hope that never ever ever happens to me again!! I also hope that they check their blood sugar before coming in for their next appointment...

Halfway through my internship. I'm not sure whether I should be happy or sad. I like it a lot at this facility, but it's always nice to be closer to the finish line.

Rsvp cards have been rolling in a few a day. The most we have gotten in one day so far is 9 and the least is 1. I hope that everyone keeps sending them in so I won't have to track people down at the end!!! *fingers crossed*

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