Monday, March 22, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday!

So in an effort to get more involved in my blog (and to stop being a boring blogger) I am going to start to join in on daily postings!! Tuesdays will be "Top 2 Tuesdays", linked to Taylor at The Undomestic Momma. (Hi, nice to meet you!) I found her blog through a different blog and thought it would be interesting!! So here we go-


This week's topic: 2 Things You Can't Live Without

1. My laptop

Yes, I will admit I am one of those people that always has to check her email and facebook etc etc etc. We will see how I fare on our 2 week honeymoon- no computers!!
2. Hair Elastics

If I can't put my hair up I go crazy!!! I can't stand having hair in my face, especially at work. It's hard to treat patients if you can't see them!

Runners Up (Because it was very hard to pick 2!):

-Chap Stick
-Hand lotion
-Cell Phone
-Green Tea


Jordan said...

Love hair ties! My hair is usually down but I have to have a hair tie on my wrist!!

The Undomestic Mom said...

I love your picks...seriously I would be so lost without those!

Kenj said...

Arizona Green Tea is my favorite.!! Yum.!!

Jenni said...

I'm getting married in July and I'm already worried about a computer free honeymoon! :)

Cherry Berry said...

It is always hard to choose only 2 things! Great choices! Hand lotion is a must! Especially in the winter!

Beth McC. said...

OOHHH Great picks! I couldnt make it without my laptop either! Thanks for sharing and Happy Tuesday!

Kristen said...

Great picks! I didn't even think of hair ties, I would go crazy without those!

Cute blog!