Sunday, March 14, 2010

Losing friends

I might be 23 and almost married, but something I still struggle with is losing friends. Especially when there is no real reason for it- one person just stops talking to the other one.

I always thought I had a lot of friends, but as I look at the list for my bridal shower I only see 6 or 7 friends my age...2 from high school, a few from college, and a couple from dance. Now don't get me wrong, I love each and every one of them. I would not be the same without them. I just thought there were more than that.

Now in the case of my shower, I had a couple friends tell me they couldn't come and why, which was nice of them and I appreciate it. But there is one person in particular on there that has ignored my messages and any other means of communication for quite some time. We used to be really close, and then all of a sudden we weren't- no explanation. I sent an invite to the wedding but I am not holding my breath that she will be attending. I am not even holding my breath that I will get the RSVP card back. I am not losing sleep over the situation, but I have to wonder why it happened the way it did.

I will post a follow up when/if I get a response from this person for the wedding. Maybe some of you will be curious.

Has this happened to you before? How did you handle it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hah I'm 3 years your junior and I hear that. Gosh I can't even imagine a bridal shower... literally like 95% of my friends are guys and can you imagine Phil at a bridal shower??