Monday, January 25, 2010

An iffy weekend

Saturday started off as a good day- a baby shower for my older cousin that is expecting a little girl, Ava, in about a month. She got so many cute clothes and toys, it only increased the growing baby fever that I have!! (And fiance, if you are reading this, that should have been kinda obvious by now- no need to get all pale and panicked.) But then I had a falling out with my family which completely ruined my night and made me really upset. But I think it's all smoothed over now so hopefully I won't have to go through that again.

Sunday we went to my future in-laws house to look at pictures of fiance growing up. We are going to to table numbers with pictures of us at the corresponding ages. Now I have to get my pictures together (my mom is supposed to be searching the house for me) and I can start those.

I am off to watch Twilight and work on assembling some more pieces of our invitations. I should have a new recipe to post tonight so check back!!!

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