Sunday, January 3, 2010

Vent- wedding invitations!

I just had to vent for a moment. Today I printed out the mock up of one of the projects I had made in PhotoShop for the wedding. It printed horribly!! It was very streaky and the colors were distorted.  It turns out that the brush I used was meant to be small and I resized it to 3 times its size making it blurry and distorted. Holy cow did I panic!! Am I really going to have to remake ALL the inserts for the invitations?!

Short answer: no. Thank the heavens above. Fiance figured out how to manipulate the image in a different program so now I have to go through each document and change out the image. It's really annoying, but less annoying than starting from scratch.

Can't wait to put them all together!

Vent over.

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