I started my new job last week, so I didn't have much time for blogging. I apologize. I'm not sure if I have any readers out there...(except for the one that lodged a complaint with me last night for not updating) but I guess I shall catch up on the blog challenge. I'm not that far behind...
**(If you are a reader, let me know!! Leave me a comment!! I will be more apt to updating if I know someone is reading it.)**
Day 16: Dream House
My dream house would be:
4 or 5 bedrooms
3 baths
Open floor plan with just enough division between the rooms
Hardwood floors
Formal living room, formal dining room
Playroom/family room for the kids
Big kitchen with granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, double oven, lots of cabinet space
Large master bath with soaking tub and double sinks
Man cave for Mr. D
Large backyard
Day 17: Something You Are Looking Forward To
-Our big trip that is coming up so fast!!!
-Having my license to practice
-Finding our house to have a family and grow old in
-Having that family I just mentioned
-Getting a new car
-Celebrating our first married Christmas!!
Day 18: Something You Regret
I try not to regret things, because every choice was made for a reason. However:
-I regret not living on campus (but just a little- I enjoyed living at my house and not having to deal with the pettiness of college students all the time)
-I regret not dating more in high school/college. But I found Mr. D at the end of my freshman year of college, so I don't really regret this!!!
Day 19: Something You Miss
-My friends from high school
-Holidays with my family where everyone got along
-Seeing my sister all the time
-My family members that have passed on
-Planning my wedding
Day 20: Nicknames
Everyone calls me Mel.
My grandma and former boss call me Melis.
Mr. D calls me Honey, and Cheese. (I call him Bologna cuz we go together like bologna and cheese- get it?! hehe) If he is being funny I get called Wifey.
I had a friend in high school that called me Snicker, and he still will to this day.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Another step to growing up..
Today's blog challenge question is favorite Bible verse. I haven't read the Bible, and while I could Google it and find one, I don't feel right doing that. So I am sitting today out.
Today was my first day of work. While I am not allowed to do any treatments yet, as I am not licensed, it was a good day. I feel that while this job is going to be a challenge, I am going to learn so much and like every minute of it. It inspired me to study for the licensure- even though when I got home I relaxed on the couch instead of opening the book. But I will be studying tomorrow. Hopefully this is the boost I needed to get out of my procrastination funk! I think I made the right decision.
Mr. D also started a new job today, so it has been a little stressful in our household. But he also seemed to have a good day and I think it was a good move for him from where he used to work. Steps we have to take to meet our future goals...
Today was my first day of work. While I am not allowed to do any treatments yet, as I am not licensed, it was a good day. I feel that while this job is going to be a challenge, I am going to learn so much and like every minute of it. It inspired me to study for the licensure- even though when I got home I relaxed on the couch instead of opening the book. But I will be studying tomorrow. Hopefully this is the boost I needed to get out of my procrastination funk! I think I made the right decision.
Mr. D also started a new job today, so it has been a little stressful in our household. But he also seemed to have a good day and I think it was a good move for him from where he used to work. Steps we have to take to meet our future goals...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Catching Up On The Blog Challenge...
I haven't been at my computer the past few days. Mr D and I went to New York City on Friday (see photo below.) It was a great day; I always love spending the day with just him and getting out of the house. Too many days are spent on the couch!! We both start new jobs tomorrow, so it was nice to have a day to ourselves before new stresses start.
And can I say I am getting uber excited for the holiday season?!?!
So let's see...I left off on day 11...
Day 12: What You Believe
I believe that...
I am meant to help people.
People are brought into my life for a reason.
Challenges make you strong.
I will be a better person for all that I have seen and experienced.
Day 13: Goals
Have my student loans paid off in 8 years.
Have 2 or 3 kids by age 33.
Be the best wife I can be to Mr D.
Have a specialty in my field in 5 years.
Read 100 books a year.
Day 14: A Picture You Love
This is very difficult because I am somewhat of a photo fanatic!!!
Mr D and I on the top of the Empire State Building in NYC.
My wedding dress in the window of the hotel. See it there? Most people miss it and think I am crazy for showing them a picture of the side of a building.

Mr D and I had only been dating about months when this one was taken. It is still on of my favorites of the two of us.
And can I say I am getting uber excited for the holiday season?!?!
So let's see...I left off on day 11...
Day 12: What You Believe
I believe that...
I am meant to help people.
People are brought into my life for a reason.
Challenges make you strong.
I will be a better person for all that I have seen and experienced.
Day 13: Goals
Have my student loans paid off in 8 years.
Have 2 or 3 kids by age 33.
Be the best wife I can be to Mr D.
Have a specialty in my field in 5 years.
Read 100 books a year.
Day 14: A Picture You Love
This is very difficult because I am somewhat of a photo fanatic!!!
Mr D and I on the top of the Empire State Building in NYC.
My wedding dress in the window of the hotel. See it there? Most people miss it and think I am crazy for showing them a picture of the side of a building.

Mr D and I had only been dating about months when this one was taken. It is still on of my favorites of the two of us.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 11
Day 11: Favorite TV Shows
-NCIS: Los Angeles
-CSI: Miami
-Teen Mom
-Secret Life of an American Teenager
-Gilmore Girls
-Two and a Half Men
-The Office
And I will say that Fraggle Rock was on TV the other day and it was so exciting!!!
-NCIS: Los Angeles
-CSI: Miami
-Teen Mom
-Secret Life of an American Teenager
-Gilmore Girls
-Two and a Half Men
-The Office
And I will say that Fraggle Rock was on TV the other day and it was so exciting!!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 10
Day 10: Something You Are Afraid Of
-Not passing my licensure exam
-Not being able to have children
-Losing people that I love
-Starting my new job
-Not passing my licensure exam
-Not being able to have children
-Losing people that I love
-Starting my new job
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 9
Day 9: A picture of your friends
Sorry to keep posting wedding pictures, but they are all relevant!!! Our best friends stood up for us at our wedding. We do have other friends, of course. But these 10 are our tried and true. Even though we don't get to see them as much as we would like to, it's always a good time when we all get together!!
Sorry to keep posting wedding pictures, but they are all relevant!!! Our best friends stood up for us at our wedding. We do have other friends, of course. But these 10 are our tried and true. Even though we don't get to see them as much as we would like to, it's always a good time when we all get together!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 8
Day 8: A Place You've Travelled To
Niagara Falls- Canada

This vacation will always have a special place in my heart. Mr D and I had been together for less than a year when we decided we would travel out of the country together. First of all- drinking age in Canada is 18. Second of all- we really just wanted to get away!! This was before you needed passports to travel into Canada, as well. So no hassel. This was the first vacation I ever took without my parents. We had a wonderful time and it was really one of the most beautiful things I have seen in my life. I wish that we could have spent more time there, but we were young and barely had money. One day we will go back and see all the sights we missed the first time!
Niagara Falls- Canada

This vacation will always have a special place in my heart. Mr D and I had been together for less than a year when we decided we would travel out of the country together. First of all- drinking age in Canada is 18. Second of all- we really just wanted to get away!! This was before you needed passports to travel into Canada, as well. So no hassel. This was the first vacation I ever took without my parents. We had a wonderful time and it was really one of the most beautiful things I have seen in my life. I wish that we could have spent more time there, but we were young and barely had money. One day we will go back and see all the sights we missed the first time!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Buffalo Chicken Penne
Buffalo Chicken Penne
From Carries Sweet Life
1 lb chicken breast, bite size pieces
1 (11 1/2 ounce) can cream of chicken soup
1/2 cup hot sauce
6 ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded (about 1 1/2 cups)
1/2 cup blue cheese, crumbled
1 1/2 cups sour cream
3 cups penne, uncooked
Season chicken salt and pepper and put it in the crock.
Add the chicken soup and hot sauce and stir.
Cook on low 4-6 hours or high 2-3.
Stir in cheeses and sour cream and turn off the crock pot.
Boil pasta according to package instructions, drain well and add to the chicken/sauce mixture.
Stir well and serve!
Changes I Made: First, I did not measure anything. I added enough Frank's Red Hot that I thought Mr D would like it but it wouldn't be too hot for myself. I cooked the chicken on low for 3 hours and it was perfect. I do think our crockpot always cooks faster than the recommended time. I omitted blue cheese. Next time, I would add less sour cream.
The Verdict: This was a hit! We both really enjoyed it. It had enough kick to it that you knew it was buffalo chicken, but it wasn't too spicy that you couldn't enjoy it. I would add less sour cream next time, knowing I was eating that much sour cream kinda made me gag a little.
30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 6
Friday, October 15, 2010
30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 5
Day 5: Your Siblings
I am actually an only child. Growing up, I lived next door to my cousins so I always had someone to play with. But my being an only child is probably the reason why I have a strong love of reading, and why I can sit for hours doing nothing and be content. It's probably why I'm so laid back and why I get along with people so well.
Technically I am an only child. However....I do have a sister. A sister that has been with me through thick and thin. Through middle school, high school and college. Through crushes, bad boyfriends, and my wedding. She might not be related to me...and I may not have met her until we were 11 years old, but Leah will be my sister for life. I am truly grateful for the fact that I met my best friend all those years ago. It was just coincidence that we were in the same cluster in the 6th grade, that we both liked Gloria Estefan, that we both wanted to read aloud in history class. We were actually banned from reading aloud because we used to fight over who got to do it! It was just a coincidence that we kinda looked alike, that people would call one by the other's name, and that our moms have the same first name. I call her parents "Mom and Dad" and her little brother is my little bro. She planned by bridal shower, my bachelorette party, and listened to me whine about the wedding. I could not have chosen a better best friend!!
I am actually an only child. Growing up, I lived next door to my cousins so I always had someone to play with. But my being an only child is probably the reason why I have a strong love of reading, and why I can sit for hours doing nothing and be content. It's probably why I'm so laid back and why I get along with people so well.
Technically I am an only child. However....I do have a sister. A sister that has been with me through thick and thin. Through middle school, high school and college. Through crushes, bad boyfriends, and my wedding. She might not be related to me...and I may not have met her until we were 11 years old, but Leah will be my sister for life. I am truly grateful for the fact that I met my best friend all those years ago. It was just coincidence that we were in the same cluster in the 6th grade, that we both liked Gloria Estefan, that we both wanted to read aloud in history class. We were actually banned from reading aloud because we used to fight over who got to do it! It was just a coincidence that we kinda looked alike, that people would call one by the other's name, and that our moms have the same first name. I call her parents "Mom and Dad" and her little brother is my little bro. She planned by bridal shower, my bachelorette party, and listened to me whine about the wedding. I could not have chosen a better best friend!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 4
And with this post I am officially caught up to the others!!!
Day 4: Your Parents
This is not an easy post.
My mother is an amazing woman. She has been through oh so much in her life, more than I probably know about. Currently, she is recovering from her third neck surgery. She has not been able to feel her hands/arms for 15 years, yet she was at every single one of my band concerts, football games, dance recitals, and awards ceremonies. She has endured divorce and hardship and keeps plugging along. I can tell her anything and feel that we have grown closer since I have moved out of her house. We go to all the country music concerts together and share the same spunk and attitude.
As I said, my parents are divorced. As of 2 months before my wedding. That was hard. My relationship with my father was never fantastic. I used to think we were too similar to get along. We are both stubborn and need to have the last word in an argument. Imagine those arguments during my teen years. There is a lot more that I won't get into in this blog. But our relationship has completely deteriorated since my parents seperated and it makes me want to cry just thinking about it. Maybe someday it will be healed, but only time will tell.
Me and the parentals. I look like my Dad.
Day 4: Your Parents
This is not an easy post.
My mother is an amazing woman. She has been through oh so much in her life, more than I probably know about. Currently, she is recovering from her third neck surgery. She has not been able to feel her hands/arms for 15 years, yet she was at every single one of my band concerts, football games, dance recitals, and awards ceremonies. She has endured divorce and hardship and keeps plugging along. I can tell her anything and feel that we have grown closer since I have moved out of her house. We go to all the country music concerts together and share the same spunk and attitude.
As I said, my parents are divorced. As of 2 months before my wedding. That was hard. My relationship with my father was never fantastic. I used to think we were too similar to get along. We are both stubborn and need to have the last word in an argument. Imagine those arguments during my teen years. There is a lot more that I won't get into in this blog. But our relationship has completely deteriorated since my parents seperated and it makes me want to cry just thinking about it. Maybe someday it will be healed, but only time will tell.
Me and the parentals. I look like my Dad.
30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 3
Day 3: Your First Love
This one is actually tough. I didn't really do the whole "crush" thing until high school. From junior year of high school through my freshman year of college, I had a steady boyfriend. I guess back then I would have said he was my first love. However, I would not classify him as this now!! I think my real high school love was my best male friend (and anyone that knew me during this time would probably agree with me). You know, the boy that you could tell anything to, the one that you flirted back and forth with, the one that you wanted to kiss so bad but never did. Looking back now, it was a huge tease but it made me happy then. If we had dated, I'm sure it would have been better than the one I was actually dating!! Our friendship slowly fizzled out once we went to college and I talk to him maybe once a year now.
As corny as this is...my Hubbs is my real first love. I had never met a man as amazing as he is. Love is being there through thick and thin, through good and bad, happy and sad. And I can say that we were there for each other like that even before we were engaged.
This one is actually tough. I didn't really do the whole "crush" thing until high school. From junior year of high school through my freshman year of college, I had a steady boyfriend. I guess back then I would have said he was my first love. However, I would not classify him as this now!! I think my real high school love was my best male friend (and anyone that knew me during this time would probably agree with me). You know, the boy that you could tell anything to, the one that you flirted back and forth with, the one that you wanted to kiss so bad but never did. Looking back now, it was a huge tease but it made me happy then. If we had dated, I'm sure it would have been better than the one I was actually dating!! Our friendship slowly fizzled out once we went to college and I talk to him maybe once a year now.
As corny as this is...my Hubbs is my real first love. I had never met a man as amazing as he is. Love is being there through thick and thin, through good and bad, happy and sad. And I can say that we were there for each other like that even before we were engaged.
30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 2
Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name
Unfortunately I don't have an exciting story here. I decided to start a blog as a New Year's resolution. At the time, we were living in our house for less than a year, our wedding was right around the corner, I would be finishing my degree and getting a job. Hello, we are growing up!!! I realize that the address to my blog doesn't fit anymore because I am no longer 23 years old, but we are still growing up one step at a time!!!
Unfortunately I don't have an exciting story here. I decided to start a blog as a New Year's resolution. At the time, we were living in our house for less than a year, our wedding was right around the corner, I would be finishing my degree and getting a job. Hello, we are growing up!!! I realize that the address to my blog doesn't fit anymore because I am no longer 23 years old, but we are still growing up one step at a time!!!
30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 1
My dear friend (in real life and in blogland!) Mrs. F started this challenge and it looked intriguing, so I have decided to join in. Except it is a 30 day challenge and it's on Day 4 already!! Guess I have to do 4 posts today!! Travel over to Katie's blog to check it out!

Day 1: Introduce, Recent photo, and 15 Interesting Facts
Hi to blogland!! I'm Mrs. D (trying hard to avoid using real names on here)! My Hubbs and I got married over Memorial Day weekend 2010 after a 2.5 year engagement and 5 years of dating. We met at college at the end of my freshman year, his sophmore year. I thank heavens everyday that he came into my life. I graduated with my Bachelors degree in January of 2008, and just completed my Doctorate in physical therapy in September 2010. I start my first adult job next week and I am excited yet nervous to be a contributing member of society!
Hubbs and I built a house and moved in winter 2009. It has been an exciting and challenging adventure being homeowners. I love our house, but I am keeping a list of things we need in our next house. In the meantime, I am trying my best to decorate and make it our own. It will be much easier once I have a job and that extra money coming in!! We share our home with our two cats that do not even pretend to get along. Adds excitement and gets us ready for kids, right?
In my spare time, I blog, experiement with new recipes in the kitchen, dabble in photography, and play Farmville (yes, I am one of those people.)

Day 1: Introduce, Recent photo, and 15 Interesting Facts
Hi to blogland!! I'm Mrs. D (trying hard to avoid using real names on here)! My Hubbs and I got married over Memorial Day weekend 2010 after a 2.5 year engagement and 5 years of dating. We met at college at the end of my freshman year, his sophmore year. I thank heavens everyday that he came into my life. I graduated with my Bachelors degree in January of 2008, and just completed my Doctorate in physical therapy in September 2010. I start my first adult job next week and I am excited yet nervous to be a contributing member of society!
Hubbs and I built a house and moved in winter 2009. It has been an exciting and challenging adventure being homeowners. I love our house, but I am keeping a list of things we need in our next house. In the meantime, I am trying my best to decorate and make it our own. It will be much easier once I have a job and that extra money coming in!! We share our home with our two cats that do not even pretend to get along. Adds excitement and gets us ready for kids, right?
In my spare time, I blog, experiement with new recipes in the kitchen, dabble in photography, and play Farmville (yes, I am one of those people.)
Yup, that's me on our wedding day!!
15 facts:
1. I never drove on an interstate highway until probably about 3 years ago. I am terrible with directions and was so scared of getting lost/having a ton of other cars on the road. Well, watch out for me now, I'm a highway driver!
2. I didn't have a job until I was 18. It was a retail job at a women's clothing store and I worked there for 5 years. I quit back in February when I was on internship for my degree. I miss my co-workers but not the crabby people!!
3. I am a picture addict. I try to take pictures of everything so I can remember every moment. It was the #1 thing on our wedding list, and we chose the best photographer ever for our big day!
4. In reference to the above, I love to scrapbook!!! I did traditional scrapbooking for years and years, but recently I have started digital scrapbooking. It's so much easier because all of my photos are digital anyway.
5. I am in a person centered career, but I really hate people. It amazes me how people are so oblivious to the world around them and how many stupid things I see people doing everyday. If every person just did what they were supposed to, the world would be a better place.
6. Pet peeves: people that drive under the speed limit in the passing lane, people that don't use turn signals, people that stop dead in the middle of the grocery aisle with you right behind them, people that don't take responsibility for themselves, whiney people, people that spend money they don't have and then complain that they are in debt (see a trend here...people!!!)
7. I have been driving the same car since I graduated high school 6 years ago. It is almost time for a new car, but I am going to be so sad to let this one go!!
8. I have my doctorate degree but my study skills are horrible- I am supposed to be studying for my licensure exam right now but I am blogging instead!!
9. Country music is my favorite!! We go to at least 5 country concerts a year and I love every one of them!! All time favorite= Rascal Flatts!
10. I think I have the best in-laws I could ask for. People complain about their mother in laws all the time, but I love mine!!
11. I am an only child. My best friend and I have been inseperable since we were 11 years old and call each other sisters. It was even in her maid of honor speech at our wedding! I now have a sister-in-law and brother-in-law as well.
12. Planning our wedding was such a blast for me! I made everything by hand and no one could tell. Guess that means I did a good job. I can't wait to do the same for my friends when they tie the knot!!
13. I was on a wedding message board site throughout the wedding and met some wonderful ladies that I have met in person and kept in touch with since the wedding.
14. I miss having friends. Since high school and college have ended, I have lost a lot of friends along the way. I could probably count on one hand how many girlfriends I have, which makes me sad. I have no one I can call if I want a shopping partner or if I'm bored and want to hang out.
15. I have baby fever like crazy!! Ever since we got married, it seems like everyone is either pregnant or has a baby. I look at baby stuff online to get an idea of how much $$ the materialistic aspects are going to cost. If Hubbs is reading this right now, he will roll his eyes. He is not mentally ready for babies, and we are not financially ready for babies. But the fever is hard to get rid of!! Hopefully in a few years.
Monday, October 11, 2010
I've been tagged!!
Thanks to Allie over at Living The Adventures for my first tag!!
The way this thing works is that I answer these 8 questions; then I make up 8 questions and tag 8 people. Those 8 people will answer the 8 questions that I made up! This is going to be fun!
1. What is the best vacation you have ever taken/ favorite vacation spot?
When I was little we would go to York Beach, ME. I loved it there- beach, zoo, good food! I haven't been in probably 12 years. My favorite recent vacation spot is Newport, RI. There is just something about that busy town that says 'relaxing' to me. Niagara Falls, Canada is up near the top of the list too.

Hubbs and I in Newport -2010
On The Maid of The Mist- Niagara Falls circa 2006
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be/why? (Money isn't an object)
To be honest, I would probably stay in New England because I love the seasons and the history. However- I want a 5 bedroom, 3 bath 4,000 sq. ft. house on 20 acres that is set in the middle of the woods. I don't want to hear my neighbors, I don't want to be able to see another house, I don't want to hear traffic. Someday...even if I get the house in the middle of the woods with 1 acre, I will be happy.
3. What is your "go-to" outfit? or your favorite outfit (pictures?)?
Jeans and a sweater. If I am home or not going out in public, jeans and a hoodie or yoga pants and a hoodie.
4. What are you most thankful for in your life?
I am thankful for my husband and my mother, the fact that we own our home, the fact that we are both healthy, the fact that Hubbs and I both have good jobs (or I will next week, anyway).
5. What is one piece of advice you would give other women?
Be true to yourself and don't try to change yourself for anyone. You are fabulous the way you are!!
6. What is one thing you plan to accomplish before the end of this year?
Get my physical therapist license so I can truly say I am a PT!!
7. What is your favorite purchase you have made in the past month?
The table we bought for the front entryway.
8. Do you save money for things? What are you saving for? If not, what would you like to save you money up for?
I don't know if we save up per se. We just kind of buy something when we need it. Once I work, we will be saving for patio furniture for next summer, a vacation for next summer and maybe just a general rainy day fund. I would like to start putting money away for a future little one, but I think that would freak Hubbs out right now haha
Now onto my questions!!!
1. What is your favorite comfort food?
2. What is your dream vacation? (money is not an object)
3. What is your biggest regret? Your biggest success?
4. Name your top 5 favorite songs of all time!
5. What is your favorite way to destress?
6. What are two things you wish to accomplish in 2011?
7. What is your favorite adult Halloween costume? (Pictures?)
8. List 3 random facts about yourself.
I will tag 8 people, but feel free to respond even if I don't tag you!
Mrs. F at Journey To Our New Life
Michelle at Ew No, Tutu's Itch!
Kristin at Keenly Kristin
Ashley at According to Ashley
Ashley at My Carnival Ride
Neely at Chronicles of Neely
Heather at Heather's Hodgepodge
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Pumpkin Bread
It's fall and the chill is finally in the air here in New England. My dining room table and front door are decorated with leaves, pumpkins, and pinecones. But the house was lacking something...ah, yes- the smells of fall!! So tonight I decided it was time...time for what? Pumpkin Bread!
Pumpkin Bread
From Carrie's Sweet Life, originally AllRecipes
1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin puree
4 eggs
1 cup vegetable oil
2/3 cup water
3 cups white sugar
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour three 7×3 inch loaf pans.
In a large bowl, mix together pumpkin puree, eggs, oil, water and sugar until well blended. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger. Stir the dry ingredients into the pumpkin mixture until just blended. Pour into the prepared pans.
Bake for about 50 minutes in the preheated oven. Loaves are done when toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
The Changes: I didn't have cloves so I added allspice instead. I only used 2 loaf pans that were a little bigger than the recommended size, but I overfilled them. This resulted in my bread needing 70 minutes to cook through.
The Verdict: If I wasn't in a hurry and trying to take it out of the pan before it was cooled, it would be great. Instead, the bottom stuck to the pan and the rest of the loaf came out. Not too bad, though. I will grease the bottom of the pan a bit better next time. However, the flavor was great!! The bread is moist and you can taste the pumpkin and all the spices!
Pumpkin Bread
From Carrie's Sweet Life, originally AllRecipes
1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin puree
4 eggs
1 cup vegetable oil
2/3 cup water
3 cups white sugar
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour three 7×3 inch loaf pans.
In a large bowl, mix together pumpkin puree, eggs, oil, water and sugar until well blended. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger. Stir the dry ingredients into the pumpkin mixture until just blended. Pour into the prepared pans.
Bake for about 50 minutes in the preheated oven. Loaves are done when toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
The Changes: I didn't have cloves so I added allspice instead. I only used 2 loaf pans that were a little bigger than the recommended size, but I overfilled them. This resulted in my bread needing 70 minutes to cook through.
The Verdict: If I wasn't in a hurry and trying to take it out of the pan before it was cooled, it would be great. Instead, the bottom stuck to the pan and the rest of the loaf came out. Not too bad, though. I will grease the bottom of the pan a bit better next time. However, the flavor was great!! The bread is moist and you can taste the pumpkin and all the spices!
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